Posted by: camelia3b | 16/04/2011

Tokio Hotel

Tokio Hotel is a German band formed by Bill and Tom Kaulitz (singer and guitarist), Georg Listing (keyboardist and bass guitarist), and  Gustav Schäfer (drummer).

They started with the name Devilish in 2001, but in 2003 they changed the name for Tokio Hotel. Although they’re German, sometimes they write the lyrics in English.

Tokio Hotel won a lot of MTV awards from 2008 to 2010. One of them was the Award for Best World Stage Performance at MTV Europe Music Awards in Madrid.

The most famous song by them is Monsoon English version:

By: Camelia3b & Mn96


  1. I like some songs of Tokio Hotel, and you are right ”the most listened is Monsoon… It’s one of my favourites by this group 🙂

  2. this band is my DRUG.

  3. Jajajajajaja … it’s a new DRUG for you , because you have more DRUG ( SONGS ) …;)
