Posted by: sara30j97 | 28/03/2013


I was talking to my friend about how we were going to enjoy the trip to London, when we saw a a man who seemed as if he was very ill, and we decided to try to help him. We started to walk nearer and nearer him, and we saw that he was approaching us too. We started to see lots of blood, and we saw that the man had got his eyes completely white. He was making strange sounds too, and we started to be afraid of him. We tried to talk to him, but it seemed he didn’t mind about what we were saying. We started to run, and we saw that he started to walk faster too. He was limping. Suddenly, someone shot him in the stomach and he continued walking. There was a second shot, this time in the leg, and he continued walking. We started to understand. He was a zombie, and the apocalypse had started.
